Monday, December 8, 2008

More pictures - Christmas decor!

For the first time since my Mom died, I am "into" this Christmas season. Here's a picture of our tree and stockings.

How cute are these kids???

My bathroom in the basement. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ta Da!!!!

OK, I am still not used to this Blog thing. I want these pictures in a different order and it won't let me add any more pictures. UGH! are pictures of the basement! I wanted the "before" first and then the "after", but whatever - you get the idea! We LOVE it so much! Been a fairly calm week. Jacob is starting to talk a lot and we love that. He's repeating EVERYTHING we say. Still can't understand a lot of what he says, but it's getting better. Lydia starting rolling and I think we'll try cereal soon. I keep putting it off as I just don't feel like messing with it! The room in the second pic would not have existed if it weren't for Rick. It was a huge stoarge room (see the last pic below) and Rick convinced me to knock it down. I am so happy he did!

Monday, December 1, 2008

So proud of himself........

Tonight after his bath Jacob went pee pee in his potty!!! Just the slightest trickle, but still. Now I know we could still be months and months from him being potty trained, but it was so exciting. The best thing was how darn proud he was of himself. I wish that I had my camera to take a picture of him stitting on his froggy potty in his Thomas the Tank robe (Rick and I call him Hugh Hefner when he wears this robe - it is so cute). These are the moments that I love the most.
Last week was a crazy but very good week. Our basement is 95% done (pictures will be coming soon) and we LOVE it. We had Thanksgiving with most of the Wilson Clan (Cristi - we missed you guys) and that was lots of fun. Yummy food and game and card playing well into the wee hours of the morning. Saturday we had JT's 1st birthday party here. Carrie did such an awesome job with all the decor for the Duckie themed party. It was awesome. Saturday night Rick bought a new Christmas tree and put it up. We just need to decorate it and get all the other stuff out. Jacob LOVES the tree and seems surprised all over again each time he sees it. He is going to love Christmas. I can't wait.
Lydia is 5 mo old today. I can't believe it. She's doing great. So darn cute.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RICK tomorrow!!!!! 35 - Yikes!